Wash & Fold Subscriptions

Texas Tech University

How it works

  • Schedule

    We pickup every weekday. We do not pickup on weekends. If you're dropping your clothes on the weekend, we'll pickup the following Monday.

  • Pick Up

    Where To Find Your Truck: Monday - Friday Hulen/Wall - The truck is parked in the parking lot of Wall Residence Hall facing 18th St. M/W/F, 10:15-12:30 Sneed/Bledsoe - The truck is in front of Bledsoe Hall. M/W/F, 1-3:00P.M. Chitwood/Weymouth - The truck is parked in between Chitwood/Weymouth and the Wiggins Complex. T/TH, 10:30am - 12:30pm Stangel/Murdough - The truck is parked in the parking lot next to Murdough Hall by the light pole near the third island. T/TH, 12:45-2:30

  • Clean

    We clean with 10-step process that treats your clothes with the meticulous care they get at home.

  • Deliver

    Our estimated delivery date is two weekdays after we pickup. We do not deliver on weekends. If we pickup on a Thursday or Friday, we'll deliver the following Monday.

Students love us!

Parks right outside my dorm and folds my clothes. Tide Cleaners has made my life so much easier.

Kyle, Indiana University